Naja Abelsen
Stamp: Arctic Deserts, Kangerlussuaq
Watercolour on pencil drawing. 2020.
Greenlandic stamp, with Arctic Deserts as motive, from the Kangerlussuaq area, Russel Glacier in the background, arctic poppies at the foreground: and the dry land between.
I love those poppies: they were my favorite flower in my greenlandic childhood.
This is the 21th stamp I have done for Post Greenland.
Stamp: National Birds EUROPE series
Watercolour on pencil drawing. 2019.
Greenlandic stamp, with national birdss as motive. As Greenland haven't chosen a national bird, these 4 are my suggestions
I love those 4: the Raven, Snow Bunting (here) and Ptarmigan and mallard Duck.
This is the 20th stamp I have done for Post Greenland.
Stamp: National Birds EUROPE series
Watercolour on pencil drawing. 2019.
Greenlandic stamp, with national birdss as motive. As Greenland haven't chosen a national bird, these 4 are my suggestions
I love those 4: Ptarmigan and mallard Duck (here) and the Raven, Snow Bunting.
This is the 19th stamp I have done for Post Greenland.
FDC to National Bird stamp series
Watercolour on pencil drawing. 2019.
Greenlandic FDC motive to the national birds stamps. Ptarmigan and mallard Duck. The background is built over two themes: the national Flag of Greenland, and Sun-Moon. In Greenland one belongs to the mallard ducks/Fulmar/Northern Pintail if born at summer/Suns time, and Ptarmigans if born at winter/moons time.
21 watercolours. 2017.
Book title: "Du må være præcis som du er - det har du ret til".
Published by the childrens right organisation MIO in Nuuk, Greenland. A non-commercial book distributed to public places like libraries, schools, kindergartens etc.
The text illustrates FN's Childrens Convention, and is meant to help a lot of children and the adults to understand how a good, healthy and happy life can and should be.
Souvenir sheet: Sårbare Dyrarter
Watercolour on pencil drawing
Greenlandic stamp, which won the price of the public contest for the best stamp of the year. Collaboration with the israelic post: their artist did a similar souveir sheet but with the dorcas gazelle inside the stamp and the bear in the background.
This is the 16. stamp I have done for Post Greenland.
Book cover illustration
30 x 30 cm. 2000.
Original for sale.
Illustration wit motive from the greenlandic mythology: humans and animals could change shape, and understand each others language, so here are to bear-walrus-men in a friendly, competitive play for strenght. The arctic version of Work-out!
Winnies Tiger
40 x 30 cm. 2016.
Original sold
Illustration done for a private customer, who wanted a tigers head. Photo of poor quality
Logo for a goat dairy on Aeroe
Ink drawing finished digitally.
Occasionally I accept to do logos, but not so often....this customer wanted and oldfashioned feeling, as the product is smallscale biological diary-product from the old danish farm goat.
Alk. Razorbill. Alca Torda
Ink drawing finished digitally.
Done for Ella Hoch, associate professor in Paleontology. The illustration is going to be used in lectures and articles about the fossils of this bird.
Naturmærket (Nature stickers) for WWF Denmark 2006
30 individual pictures each 13 x 9 cm. Framed together.. 2006
Original For sale.
The idea is to show all possible landscapes from Greenland, inhabited by the chosen animals, and interwoven to a complete landscape. WWF had released another greenlandic motive many years before, so my choice of animals are partly influenced by this former stickersheet.
Julemærket 2014. Christmas Seal
for Greenlandic
Ink and Watercolour.
30 individual seals.. 2014
Won the Competition for this years Christmas Seal.
The reindeer is native to Greenland, and a wonderful christmas symbol. All are different on the seal. Every seal has a Sun placed on it, as Christmas is originally a feast for the returning Sun, Solstice.
Ink, watercolour. 2015.
Original for sale.
Illustration done for the Association for highly sensitive in Norway. Inspired by one of my works with similar words written on, they took contact, and this is the result with the association's choice of words. The drawing is done by hand and the last details done digitally.
Two honeybees
Acrylic. each bee measures 3 cm from wingtip to wingtip.
june 2015.
The customer had an existing product, a little shield with a motive on, not done by me, and now wanted to add som bees. A little fun , quickly performed commission!
21 illustrations for a childrens book
published by MIO. Nuuk, Greenland
The subject is Childrens Rights according to FNs Childrens Convention.
51 x 36 cm. Watercolour
Originals are for sale
Already sold: "Ret til Kærlighed"
Ink, watercolour. 2015.
Original for sale.
Illustration done for the Association for highly sensitive in Norway. Inspired by one of my works with similar words written on, they took contact, and this is the result with the association's choice of words. The drawing is done by hand and the last details done digitally.
Zackenberg Stamp Motives
Fiber pens 2016.
Original belongs to Post Greenland.
The research station Zackenberg in North Eastern Greenland, whose main issue is to follow the climate changes...
Motive above shows the researchers at their measurement instruments. Below shows the food chain evolving around the lemming. Luckily for me as designer/illustrator those two issues are 5 motives each, so I decided to put them in circles to create a whole.
A knitters World
Fiber pens 2018.
Original belongs to a passionate knitter
Wool.yarn, the animals that deliver the raw material.
A knitter in her own wonderful world of ideas and producing
Magne Stjernekigger
Portrait of a one year old
Pigment pen and watercolour 2016.
Original belongs to customers family
Motive is what catches the interest of the little boy in his life, what a sweet idea from the customer! And then the customer ordered me to find the words for the portrait, as she knows my habit of putting poetic words into my art