

Naja Abelsen

Regretting Unpeace

Pigment pen. 30 x 42 cm. 2020.

Available 10.000 DKK/1344EUR

      Regretting Unpeace. Introgression - once again needed 

Polarhareunge, akvarel 2011

One Kind

Pencil, coloured pencil. 30 x 42 cm. 2013.

For sale: 15.000 DK./2016 EUR

A comment on all the selfmade troubles, my wish for more peace, through knowlegde and accept of our ape-nature.

Sælens Intelligens

Pigment pen. 15 x 21 cm. 2022.

Available 4.000 DKK/540 EUR

      Shamanistic picture, inspired by the unuit belief that people and animls can relate and talk together

Hvalrossen Drømmer Malene.

Watercolour. 70 x 50 cm. 20o9

For sale: 5.500 DKK/740 EUR

What is real, who is real? Which one is the dreamer?

Strong Women

Pigment pen. 30 x 42 cm. 2021.

Available 7.000 DKK/940EUR

      Shamanistic picture, inspired by the unuit belief that people and animls can relate and talk together

Celestial Dog

Sepia Pigment pen. 30 x 42 cm. 2018.

For sale. 10.000 DKK/ 1344 EUR

Just a play, seeing what the drawing invented itself...
Holy Life on Earth and Sky


Watercolour. 24 x 36 cm. 2011.

Original Sold.

Horse and man, both dancing. done with no reference material.

Evaporating Empathy

Colour pencils. 42 x 30 cm. 2012

For sale: 8.000 DKK./1075 EUR

Just wished to making a combination of the magnificent peacock and an indian woman...

Havternen forsvarer sig

Pencil. 40 x 39. 2000.

For sale: 15.000 DKK/ 2016 EUR

Done for a book illustration about a greenlandic author and his experiences with the animals of Greenland.

Published 2000: Den Fiffige Ravn, by H C Petersen.

Both Dreaming

Pigment pen. 42 x 30 cm. 2015.

For sale: 7.000 DKK/ 940 EUR


Blue Sky Wolf

Pigment pen, watercolour. 24 x 32 cm. 2015.

Original sold. Available as Giclée print


Colour Pencil.

50 x 20 cm. 2013

Original sold. Available as Giclée print.

In Greenland the souls between the animals and humans could easily change  to each other. Animal and  humans understood one anothers language.

And who haven't dreamt of being able to fly!


Pigment pen. 18 x 24 cm. 2018.

Original sold. Available as giclée print

A new drawing of same motive as in 2003. To see how my inner status are now. To see how the same motive will turn out, it became more refined, relaxed expressions, more poetic.

Listen! Singing all our Places

Sepia Pigment pen. 21 x 30 cm. 2019.

Original sold. 5.500 DKK/740 EUR

A wise woman listens to the enchanting song of a humpback whale...